Lunes, Hulyo 4, 2011

My Personal Reaction about RH BILL

Nowadays, youth often engage themselves to 
premarital sex which later on causes to early pregnancy. According to Jordan Brown's article that  "Reducing  teen pregnancy and birth is one of the most effective ways of reducing child poverty in the country". Jordan Brown has a point about his article, but do we agree about this? Do you think that reducing early pregnancy will be the answer to the problems of our country? And do you think our country will be in progress if we apply this in our institution? Many questions had been asked but at the end of the day there will only be one answer.

The government and church had been arguing about the RH bill for many years. But do we see any progress? Do we see any results about their debates and argumentation's? Our government is trying to pass this bill to help us prevent the growing population in our country and also to prevent poverty from invading our country.

As a student, I strongly disagree to the Philippine Stars article about the RH bill issue not because I oppose the idea of our church, but because I know that it has the capacity to help our country prevent the growing population. Although I believe that overpopulation is not the only problem of our country because we can also cite our economies mismanagement: bad politics, bad governance, and most of all graft and corruption.

The problem appears to be that the Church seems to see that preventing pregnancy when it COULD HAVE HAPPENED is the same as denying the "possible" child the right to life. Personally, even though I myself am a Catholic, I do not see eye to eye with this. But there are indeed those who agree with this particular view.

But really, is it preferable that you give birth to a child when you have no means to support its needs, causing not only yourself but your child to suffer in poverty, struggling through each day and making do with the little that you have. I suppose that's why many resort to abortion, considering that they did not have access to artificial birth-control before.

I also believe that this bill is not anti-life. It is pro-quality life. It will ensure that children will be blessings for their parents since their births are planned and wanted. It will empower couples with the information and opportunity to plan and space their children. This will not only strengthen the family as a unit but also optimize care for children who will have more opportunities to be educated, healthy and productive.

Finally, this bill will not promote contraceptive mentality. The bill does not prohibit pregnancy. Critics are mistaken in claiming that because contraceptives would be readily available, people would prefer to have no children at all. Couples will not stop wanting children simply because contraceptives are available. Contraceptives are used to prevent unwanted pregnancies but not to stop pregnancies altogether. Timed pregnancies are assured.


2 komento:


    Your views are nice and striking. I appreciate the effort for composing such originally. Keep it up!:D


